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School-led, Transformative,
Excellence in Partnership

Early Career Framework and Appropriate Body News (ECF & AB)

Appropriate Body Welcome Events 2

With a number of ECTs and mentors being registered this term, we conducted two more Welcome Events in January. The first, for Head Teachers and Induction Tutors, focused on the importance of accurate registration procedures (for further details see our website at: Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership - ECF/AB) as well as providing tips for managing induction, delivered with the assistance of Sarah Harper, Shrewsbury Academy Deputy Director of Teaching and Learning (ITT/ECT), and Katie Booth, Best Practice Network ECT Lead. In the second, we met with ECTs and mentors, so they too could feel confident in their training programme, outlined by Chris Randall, Best Practice Network ECM Lead, as well as understand the difference between ECF and formal induction.

It was lovely to welcome our new participants, and we look forward to working with you all throughout your ECF/induction journeys.

January Starters

Our spring term starters attended their Welcome Event with Best Practice Network last half-term, and are now engaging in locally-facilitated training sessions; ECTs are working in person, for easier networking and collaboration as they begin their teaching careers, whereas mentors are working via Zoom, to reduce cover pressures within schools. These sessions provide fantastic opportunities to reflect, plan ahead and develop professional skills and learning to help ECTs progress against the teachers’ standards, thereby setting secure foundations for formal induction and long-term efficacy in the classroom. Individual schedules can be found via your ECT and Mentor Canvas Participant Dashboards.

ECT Manager

Induction Tutors are successfully using ECT Manager to complete termly Professional Progress Reviews and Assessment Reports for their ECTs. It is always a delight to read the individual practice examples showing the growing impact ECTs are having in the classroom and reading ECT reflections on their development each term. The support of mentors is clearly appreciated throughout. These opportunities to network with peers, see the positive impact of enquiry cycles on their students and visit other school settings are often raised as highlights of the Early Career Framework underpinning formal induction.

Although many of you are now confident in using the ECT Manager, please remember that, as well as the team here at The Priory School, there are helpful guides to support users via the red ‘Help and Support’ button. There are also Professional Progress Review and Assessment Report WAGOLLs in the ‘Resources’ section to help Induction Tutors submit reports which match our expected format and level of detail.

Our next reporting deadline is Friday 4th April, so we look forward to seeing how each ECT is progressing against the teachers’ standards this Spring term.

Quality Assurance

We continue to enjoy getting out to see you in school as part of our Quality Assurance process. Finding out how you organise the ECF within your particular setting to bring the best out of each ECT for immediate security in the profession, enabling long-term growth and retention, is fascinating. Getting to see ECTs teach, even if briefly, is always a treat! These visits are to ensure we, as an AB, and you, our school leaders, consistently work to the same high standard, so all ECTs can access their entitlements and feel well-supported no matter what their induction setting.

We are much indebted to the staff who facilitate these visits and meet with us to discuss their experiences so openly. We look forward to meeting more of you as the academic year progresses.