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Key Data

  • 597

    NPQ Registrations

  • 1457

    Early Career Teachers & Mentors

  • 354

    ITT Associate Teachers

School-led, Transformative,
Excellence in Partnership

Who we are

Welcome to Shropshire & Telford Education Partnership (STEP)

STEP is delighted to announce that we have been re-designated as the local Teaching School Hub for Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin for the next four years commencing in September 2024.  We are excited to continue to work with teachers and schools within our region.

Our remit is to work with the DFE in simplifying support for the teacher recruitment and retention strategy - improving school performance across our locality.

STEP will work in partnership with our local schools to support initial teacher training; deliver the new Early Career Framework for new Teachers and their mentors; act as an appropriate body under the new statutory changes; and offer the new suite of National Professional Qualifications for leaders, as well as developing and signposting research informed CPD to meet local needs.

Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership (STEP)  is an inclusive partnership comprising  Salop Teaching Partnership (STP), The Alliance of Leading Learning (ALL)  Shropshire Primary Partnership (SPP) and Severn Training and Schools Alliance (STSA) representing all phases and contexts, including Special and Alternative Provisions, across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.

We are driven by our intent to secure firm foundations in a challenging educational landscape and support the professional journey of all our colleagues and schools in Shropshire and Telford. This may be those studying at PGCE and QTS, those new to teaching and embarking on the ECF, our exemplary educational leaders of the future taking an NPQ or a school looking for high quality professional development for any of their staff. Quite simply we want to ensure the right expertise exists to enhance a self-improving system and influence learners, leaders and schools to drive continuous improvement.

STEP has well-established local in-depth knowledge which means we will remain at the forefront of developing the “golden thread” of education through the full offer of our programmes. We will continue to harness our joint and local expertise and develop as a Teaching School Hub- improving the outcomes and ensuring life-changing impact for all the children and young people we work with.

STEP is driven by a clear purpose, focussed management and thoughtful collaboration. We believe this is the way to ensure that every teacher and child in Shropshire and Telford benefits from the Teaching School Hub initiative. Our schools have faced enormous challenges over the last 12 months, but the only meaningful measure of success for these reforms is that the impact on teaching and leadership is felt everywhere.

    STEP will:
  • Work with openness, transparency and collaboratively as a Professional Learning Community in devising and delivering innovative, high quality programmes for school improvement and the quality of teaching and leadership.
  • Secure the commitment of our wider communities by developing and maintaining effective partnerships.

Our vision is to work in partnership to be a proven force in assuring uniform, rapid school improvement, driven by our moral purpose to ensure teaching standards continue to rise in our Shropshire and Telford Schools.