How NPQs can be used school and trust wide

Learning more about how NPQs can be used school and trust wide
The Empower Trust recently had 100 staff embark on their National Professional Qualification in Leading Teaching (NPQLT) together. Learn more by watching this short video on how the learning is being adapted to the Trust to deliver lasting change and a common language amongst all staff - NPQLT video.mp4
We will be reporting more on the impact of this exciting and unique project in the future.
The NPQLT is a STEP programme being delivered by the Alliance of Leading Learning in Shropshire and Telford. The programme being delivered is from LLSE (Leadership Learning South East).
In the last 3 years STEP has successfully delivered 600+ NPQs in Shropshire and Telford.
To find out more about NPQs and funding for programmes go to our website page here: